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Floral Takeover to "Flower" Bellevue Botanical Garden

The Slow Flowers Summit includes floral presentations, installations and live floral events.

Floral Takeover and Arrangements at the 2021 Slow Flowers Summit (c) Missy Palacol Photography

One of the key themes of the Slow Flowers Summit is to showcase locally-grown flowers, sustainable design, a seasonal aesthetic, and YOU -- our amazing creatives whose artistic expression is a beautiful response to sense of place.

We are incredibly fortunate to have been invited to use the entire landscape and grounds of our 2023 Slow Flowers Summit host venue, Bellevue Botanical Gardens, to create large-scale, site-specific floral installations, al fresco-style. You will join one of several creative teams with fellow attendees as you collaborate to "flower" garden pieces like arbors, benches, and trellises; natural and sculptural elements such as tree trunks; and the BBG's architectural structures.

The Floral Takeover is scheduled for Monday afternoon, June 26, 2023, after which the gardens will be open for you to tour and see and photograph the work of all our creative teams. Missy Palacol, our Slow Flowers photographer, will also capture each floral installation and images of the resulting installations will be available for your personal use.


Meet Our Floral Takeover Team

Our Floral Takeover Team: Tammy Myers of First & Bloom (left) and Lori Poliski of Flori (right)

(c) Missy Palacol Photography

As you can imagine, there are a lot of moving parts to such an ambitious undertaking involving more than 100 participants and thousands of cut flowers, not to mention the 53-acre grounds at Bellevue Botanical Garden.

We welcome two longtime Slow Flowers members and Seattle area florists as our Floral Takeover Team leaders. Lori Poliski and Tammy Myers will coordinate the takeover production so flowers, supplies, and tools are in place for this amazing and one-of-a-kind component to the Slow Flowers Summit.

Both Tammy and Lori operate floral businesses based on the values of Slow Flowers, including using foam-free mechanics, so they will contribute their experience in this area. We will have tools, compostable materials, reusable supplies, and tons of flowers for your use!


Slow Flowers Summit Floral Donation Program

The Slow Flowers Summit includes floral presentations, installations and live floral events. Domestic flower farms and growers are invited to provide donated flowers and foliage to be used throughout the 2-day event.

Participants in the floral donation program are asked to provide 1 or more boxes of flowers and foliage (200 stems/box), including shipping/delivery to the Seattle, WA area, on Friday, June 23, 2023.

In exchange, floral donations will be featured in Slow Flowers Summit social media tags, company logo included on the screen during breaks at the in-person Summit and company name included in the printed program.


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